DIY Mini Toothbrush Robot Bugs -STEM Activity

DIY Mini Toothbrush Robot Bugs -STEM Activity

Robots on the cheap! A fun little project to enjoy with your kids. This introduces them to simple circuits.

Here is my video tutorial!”>20141209-174148-63708167.jpg


A cheap toothbrush
A coin 3V battery
2 flashing LEDs
One mobile phone coin motor
One sticky pad and sticky clear tape

All of this id available in small quantities on eBay at low cost.


Cut the handle off of your tooth brush and stick your motor to the toothbrush head.

Now add your battery using the sticky pad. Make sure the negative (black) contact for the motor is under the battery.

Tape down the other contact on the top of the battery. Your bot should buzz happily around table!

For more fun, slide two flashing LEDs for eyes on to each side of the battery under the tape (the long contact must be on the top of the battery).

Brill, flashy, buzzy fun! Enjoy!



