Vegetable Smashing Toddler Activity

Vegetable pigment printing! Just for fun we folded veg into watercolour paper and smacked it with toy hammers and rolling pins to release the natural pigments on to the paper.



The red cabbage was very successful and the coriander gave off a lovely smell.



I’m looking forward to doing this again in spring with flowers!

Creative messy play toddler classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers in Cheltenham.

Peg People- Angels / Fairies Play Box

I loved making these peg people angels / fairies out of scrap and felt. I also loved watching the children play with them.


They are very simple to make! Cut out a dress shape in felt or scrap fabric. Tie on using wool or ribbon crossing over the chest and knot at the back, where you can knot some scrap organza or ribbon as wings. The idea is to use no glue. Finally draw on your face and hair.
Next I made a fairy garden play box for them, using sand as the main medium.


They are super little sensory toys and with all the places to peg them in the box, they are a great fine motor skill activity too!




Creative messy play toddler classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers in Cheltenham.

Seasonal Smelly Rice Sensory Box

There is plenty to enjoy in this activity box. We coloured the rice using food colouring and added lots so seasonal treasures we’ve found on our walks, such as acorns, conkers, pine cones, and sticks. Next I raided the kitchen cupboards for some walnuts, cloves, star anise and cinnamon sticks. We added some cloves to a couple of oranges (great fine motor skills activity) in a christingle style.



The result is a superb smelling, heuristic, sensory box to stimulate the senses
. With the addition of tweezers and scoops it is great for fine motor skills! Super for engaging curious little minds.




Creative messy play toddler classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers in Cheltenham.

Coconut Cloud Dough

I was inspired by Triple T Mom to whip up some Coconut Cloud Dough for one of our Tiny Adventure Workshop activities last week! It’s so simple and needs only two ingredients- flour and coconut oil! Actually coconut oil is a bit pricey, so I used veg oil and a bit of coconut body balm I had sat around on a shelf. The result was a beautiful smelling, moldable sand. We chucked in a coconut as a prop.


It was a lovely sensory activity. We had great fun shaking the coconut to hear the liquid inside!



Thanks Triple T Mum!

Creative messy play toddler classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers in Cheltenham.

Magnet play Age 1-3 STEM Activity

Magnet Play!

We moved magnetic items around our mirror board using magnets underneath. If your fridge magnets are a bit small put them in a child’s sock and knot the end. It’s lots of fun. Theirs also lots of fun to be had picking up the magnetic items and pushing the magnets together to feel them attract and repel.
Next we suspended paper clips in mid-air using magnetic attraction. The paper clips were tethered to a crate with cotton. This is super for practicing gross motor skills. The paper clips follow the magnet as it is moved and drop down when the distance between them and the magnet is increased. It took my three year old a few goes before he could hold the magnet steady, suspending the paper clip. My Two year old got lots of joy out of just picking up the paper clips!



His efforts payed off! “Look mummy, it’s not touching!”

Creative messy play toddler classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers in Cheltenham.

Pumpkin Decorating Fine Motor Toddler Activity

Perfect pumpkin activity to keep your toddlers busy while fine tuning their motor skills. I took inspiration from geopumpkin ideas but modified ours to use golf tees, toy hammers and soft hair bands instead of elastic bands to reduce the risks of the little ones hurting themselves. We also added lots of pegs, ribbons and trinkets to decorate our pumpkins!






This activity was really popular and we used the pumpkins all week long! Happy hammering!

Toddler and preschool workshops and classes Cheltenham Gloucestershire.

Sticky Fabric Toddler Activity

This week we adapted our sticky wall activity slightly to enable us to make a fabric collage. We used sticky back plastic (the kind you use to cover books) and a bit of masking tape to produce a sticky table. I’ve been collecting scraps of material for ages without much idea of what to do with them. Turns out they are perfect for this. It’s great because we can keep moving the fabric around and peal them off when we are done.



If the plastic hasn’t lost too much sticky you put the wax paper backing back on and save it for another day. We saved ours and put it up o the window the next day to carry the activity on.




Happy sticking!

Creative messy play toddler classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers in Cheltenham.

Autumn Heuristic Sensory Discovery Box

Before you use your birdseed to make winter bird feeders with your toddlers, why not use it as a base for an Autumn sensory box? We added lots natural materials for the little ones to examine and some toy bugs. The different seed sizes are great for improving fine motor skills with tweezers and tongs.




We selected some treasures from the box to use for dough play!

Creative messy play toddler classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers in Cheltenham.